


自 2010/8/1 起瀏覽人次
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扶輪社友,我們歡迎您Men of Ro-ta-rian,We Greet you


【扶輪社友,我們歡迎您Men of Ro-ta-rian,We Greet you】

Man of Rotary We greet you. Oh ! Men of Rotary We greet you.

(我們歡迎扶輪社友,哦! 我們歡迎Ro-ta-ri-an,)

We want you to feel that our friend-ship is real, We are glad you’re here to-day.

So take back home a bit of cheer, Re-gards from all the fellow here,

And when once more you are near our door,Come a-gain Rotary Come a-gain.

板橋東區扶輪社 Copyright © 2010 Rotary Club of PANCHIAO EAST. All Right Reserved.
辦事處:新北市板橋區中山路二段 443 巷 79 號 14 樓 電話:(02)8966-2257 傳真:(02)8966-7079